We use data to make real estate efficient

Beekin is a real estate data analytics platform. We’re driven to make real estate more efficient, replacing spreadsheets and hunches with advanced, yet accessible tools. We do the heavy lifting, making it easy for your team to work smarter and faster.


Our Team

We have built a dedicated team of talented individuals with a shared vision of creating the next generation of rental housing analytics solutions.


Vidur Gupta

Founder and CEO

Pat Flint

Pat Flint


Kevin Huss

Kevin Huss

Vice President of Strategic Business Development

Evan Hoffmann

Industry Principal


Mitch Gooding

Director of Data Science


Rahul Singh

Director of Engineering

Robert Diserens

Robert Diserens

Product Manager 

Allison Wright

Allison Wright

Customer Success manager

Our values


We set ambitious goals, and we aim for extraordinary outcomes.


We strive to separate signal from noise, not only when it comes to data.


There are lots of problems to solve, so we move quickly.


We always remain humble and ego-free. Prima donnas exist in arts, not science.


Our Advisory Board

We’re honored to have a number of distinguished leaders from real estate, asset management, and academia as advisors.

Ralph Pickett

Former-CEO and President, LivCor

Gilles Duranton

Chair of Real Estate Department@Wharton

Rodolpho Amboss

Co founder, Silverpeak
ex-Lehman Brothers

Bhagesh Malde

Head of Real Estate at SS&C


Our Partners

We’re privileged to join forces with top-tier companies in the real estate and asset management sectors.

Come and join us on our journey